A great review of Ballet for Martha from Carol Rasco, the CEO of RIF — Reading is Fundamental — ran on Monday. I am (naturally) happy to link to it, here.
The review mentions something remarkable that I’m excited about that’s coming up next month: the St. Louis Orchestra will perform Aaron Copland’s Appalachian Spring Suite on October 1 and 3, accompanied by images from the book. Will 10” x 11” drawings work at 10’ x 11’? Visit St. Louis and find out! More information on those performances is here. (Scroll down to the header AMERICAN ARTS EXPERIENCE-ST. LOUIS.)
And on October 2, authors Jan Greenberg and Sandra Jordan, editor Neal Porter, and I will give a panel presentation at the St. Louis Public Library on Ballet for Martha and our experience making the book. Information on the panel is here.
Why such favor from the Gateway City? Because that’s where Jan Greenberg lives. More on Jan is here. My thanks to her, as well as to the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, St. Louis Public Library, and Roaring Brook, for putting together these events. If any of you are in or near St. Louis, it would be great to see you there!
Wow. That is so cool! You have to post pictures.
Thank you for your kind shout out, Brian, on the post I did for Nonfiction Monday this week on "Martha"...now that I read more detail about the weekend in St. Louis "Martha" will experience, I am more saddened I cannot be there. How special, enjoy!
I so enjoy giving books to people with their names featured in the title. My sister Martha will receive a copy of this book for the holidays - she loved ballet lessons during her school years!
I see you will be in DC at Politics and Prose on October 7; do let me know when you have more detail - we'd love to have you stop by RIF!
Thank you for your contributions to this beautiful book about Appalachian Spring, simply the best!
All very cool, Brian.
Wow.... just.... wow.
Thanks, everyone! And, Carol, I'd be honored to stop by RIF! I'm at Politics and Prose on the morning of Thursday, October 7, and then in Washington for a couple of days. It would be great to hear from you if a visit would work out.
Thanks again, all!
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