I was on Governor’s Island yesterday and came across: an orchestra playing ’20s-era jazz, a flock of flappers, two gramophones, and three vintage cars — a “jazz-age lawn party,” the poster told me. Here are sketches. (Click to enlarge.) The one car is a Ford Model A from 1930, the other a Packard from 1940. The Packard was as clean and bright as it must have been in the showroom window seventy years ago.
These are AWESOME, Brian!
Can you believe I have yet to go to Governor's Island?! It's been on my "to do" list for several years now...
Anyhoo, I always love seeing pages from a Brian Floca sketchbook :)
Tremendous! Thanks for the expanation, otherwise I would have thought you'd found a time machine.
Or have you?
A. Awesome sketches.
B. I wish I was there. I love me some 20s.
C. I want to write a book that takes place in the 20s so you can illustrate it.
D. Not "The Great Gatsby." That's been done.
Wow! These are just beautiful!
Ach. Had I but known. I'm friends with some of those folks. They invited me out but my flapperwear is hardly up to snuff. If you ever want to meet them, though, gimme a ring.
Fantastic series of sketches - you have really captured the era
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